Training of the day, part 1: 5 deficit HSPU on the minute for 7 minutes (deficit should reflect your ability) Part 2: 3 minute max rep double under, 2 minute max rep ring dip, 1 minute max rep push up, 2 minute max rep ring dip, 3 minute max rep double under Beginner class: (Event...Read More
Come join us at 10:30 for a super fun rad awesome fitness extravaganza! There will be sweating and probably some spandex and maybe even a little swearing (the good kind) Read More
I see you cherry picking this workout! DON’T! Take advantage of the opportunity to use your fitness today. Training of the day, part 1: 7 minutes to find max distance triple jump Part 2: 5x500m run on a 4 minute send off. Read More
I don’t typically program birthday workouts but I got a few special requests this month. We have done a few longer workouts in an effort to prepare for the carnage that is about to unfold. Pat was one of the first members of CF Cuspis and continues to progress and improve every day. Happy birthday...Read More
Training of the day, part 1: Dead lift- 9 minutes to build to heaviest 6 rep touch and go Part 2: 3 rounds of…. 50 double unders, 7 muscle ups, 10 hang cleans (increase HC weight with each round by 20lbs men, 10 lbs ladies) Beginner class: (Event 5) Inversion practice. Work on handstand,...Read More
Training of the day, part 1: Back squat: 9 minutes to build to heaviest 4 rep Part 2: 1 clean, 4 front squats, 2 thrusters, 4 lunges, 2 burpees. Complete the complex on the minute, increase the number of burpees by 2 reps every round until you can no longer complete the set. (weight is...Read More
Training of the day, part 1: Jerk: 1 push, 1 split On the minute for 7 minutes at 80% of Jerk max Part 2: 100ft handstand walk buy in… then 3 rounds of 20 toe to bar, 10 hand stand push ups, 5 power snatches at 80% 1RM Beginner class: (Event 4) snatch- 4...Read More
Open gym time from 10-2. Beginner class at 10:30 (Event 3) Squat- Front squat focus. Then 21-18-15-12 of…. med ball squat cleans, alternating box step ups and inverted burpeesRead More