Training of the Day 2 minutes max rep double under. rest :30. 2 minutes max distance handstand walk. (1 foot = 1 rep) then AMRAP in 9 minutes of… 7 dead lift (225/165) , 14 hand stand push up, 21 V-up Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Bench press; 5-5-5 @70%, 3-3-3 @80% then 6 RFT of… 15 hand release push ups, 10 toe to bar, 5 clean and jerk (body weight) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
1RM of the Day MEM- Snatch 1RM Olympic rules (sort of) No more than 3 total fails. The weight on the bar can never be reduced once loaded, only increased. Time cap is 15 minutes. then 3x500m row time trial. rest 3-5 minutes between each then 100 double unders for time Post your scores to...Read More
***NOTE*** NO MORE THAN 1 MINUTE REST BETWEEN EACH Training of the Day 3 rounds of… 3 rep hang squat snatch @ 70% and 6 strict HSPU then 3 rounds of… 3 over head squats @ 70%, 6 strict pull ups then 3 rounds of… 3 rope climb, 6 box jumps (30/24″) Post your scores...Read More
A. 5 sets of 5(each arm) Kettlebell Wind Mills B. EMOM 20 10 Wallball on odd minutes* 10 burpees on even minutes* C. AMRAP 10 7 KBS 55/35 7 Sit Ups 7 Lateral Bar Hops *If unable to complete a round, drop one rep and continue without missing a minutes. Post your scores to the...Read More
Training of the Day 1 power, 1 hang, 1 hang squat clean OTM. Start at 50% of PC 1RM and increase by (10lbs men/5lbs ladies) EMOM until failure. then “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps, for time: Clean (135 lbs) Ring Dips Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More