
July 15, 2020
Workout: For time: 50 Calorie Row  25 Clean and Jerks 75/45  400m Run  25 Snatch 75/45 400m Run 25 Thrusters 75/45 400m Run  25 Overhead Squats 75/45 The goal for today is to push the pace on the cardio. When you approach the bar, have a weight that allows for a minimum of 5-7 reps every...
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Workout #1: AMRAP 12 5 Pull Ups / Ring Rows 10 Deadlift  (155/105)15 Kettlebell Swings Aim for unbroken sets of “medium weight” Deadlift and Russian/eye-level Swings. Rest 6  Workout #2: AMRAP 12 5 Handstand Push-Up / 5 Dumbbell Z-Press10 Front Squat (95/65) 15 Sit Ups Control lockout of both HSPU and Z-Press for a second, and take no more than...
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