Strength: TEST WEEK!!!Back Squat E2MOM5×3 no tempo Workout: 5 Rounds for Time: 150m Run 8 Unbroken Touch-and-Go Power Snatches Rest 1 minute between roundsRead more
Strength: Athlete has 15 minutes to complete 5 rounds of: 2 Reps @11X1 Strict/Weighted Pull-Ups 10 Single-Arm DB Push Press per arm + pause at lockout :45 Plank Time Trial: 2000m Row!!Read more
Strength: Deadlift – TEST DAY 5×2 Touch-and-Go 1 set every :90 seconds Workout: 5 Minute AMRAP 4 Clean and Jerks (medium/heavy) 10 Lateral Hops over Barbell Rest 3 minutes 5 Minute AMRAP 8 HEAVY Ball Slams 20 Double-UndersRead more