Strength: Back Squat5 rounds of E2MOM5-4-4-4-3 reps by round Increase weight each set.Final three sets should fall between 78-84% of (projected) 1RM Workout: 4 Rounds of E4MOM 500m Row 20 Double DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (20/35#)Read more
Strength: Hang Power Clean Barbell Cycling 12 minutes to complete 4 rounds of: 10 Unbroken Hang Power Cleans Workout: 5 Rounds for time: 12 Alternating Heavy DB Snatches (50/70#) 12 Hand-Release Push-Ups 12 Box Jumps (20/24″)Read more
Strength: Back Squat5 rounds of E2MOM5-5-4-4-4 reps by round Increase weight each set.Final three sets should fall between 78-81% of (projected) 1RM Workout: CrossFit Games Open Workout 14.1 AMRAP 10 30 Double-Unders 15 Snatches (55/75#)Read more
Skill Work: 15 minutes to practice Ring Support / Ring Dip Skill Work Workout: Tabata Row (8 rds, :20 on, :10 rest) Rest 2:00 Tabata Burpees to Pull-Up Bar Rest 2:00 Tabata Sit-Ups Track TOTAL Calories + RepsRead more
Workout: Complete 5 rounds, NOT for time, of: 8 Controlled Alternating Pistol Squats (4 per leg) 12 Controlled Single-Arm Ring Rows (6 per arm) 16 Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press (8 per arm) :60 of Max Calorie Echo BikeRead more