Its time for 16.4! A. 3×10 Good morning B. 3×10 Strict Press C. EMOM 5: 3 Deadlift 135/95 5 Air Squats 7 Push Ups D. 16.4 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of: 55 deadlifts 225/155 55 wall-ball shots 55-calorie row 55 handstand push-ups
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It don’t take money and it don’t take fame,Don’t need no credit card to ride this train.. training of the day!!! A. 4 mins of rotating side plank hold. B. For form: 30 TGU C. EMOM 10 10 KBS 5 Push Ups D. EMOM 10 5 Candle Sticks 5 Box Jumps
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We’re going to party, karambo, fiesta, forever… training of the day! A. 15 Tripod to headstand B. EMOM 20 :30 Clean and Jerk 135/95 on ODD :30 Sit Ups on EVEN C. EMOM 16 :25 Lateral Bar Hops on ODD :25 Goblet Squat on EVEN 55/35
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Never going to give you up, never going to let you down… training of the day! A. 5 mins of planks. B. EMOM 10 Pull Ups, 1 PU more than last week C. EMOM 10 200M Row D. 4 round of: 3 min clock to complete 20 Wallball 10 DB Snatch ME Burpees Rest 1 min between rounds.
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Week #4 of the Open! A. 100 Partner Wallball situps. B. For time: 5 rounds; 50 DU 3 Clean and Jerks @ 65-70% C. AMRAP 16 150m Run 5 Burpee Box Jump 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats
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