3 mins Bent Knee Hang! 3 mins MAX EFFORT Cal Row immediately into 4 minutes to find a max power snatch 5 rounds of: AMRAP 3 5 Pull Ups 10 Burpees 1 Shuttle Sprint Rest 2 minutes between roundsRead more
3 min bent knee hang! 12 minutes to find a max; THRUSTER!!! *Must come from the ground *Must be one fluid, unbroken motion from bottom of squat to lock out overhead. For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift 275/185 (70%) Box Jump 30/24Read more
3 min Bent Knee Hang AMRAP 9 3 MU 3 Clean and Jerks 185/125 (70% max C&J) Rest 9 mins AMRAP 9 10 Cal Row 10 HSPU Rest 9 mins AMRAP 9 50 DU 7 Hitch Rep Back Squat from the ground 115/75 (40% max C&J)Read more
3 mins bent knee hang! EMOM 10 (start at 40% and increase 5 times) Squat Snatch Hang Squat Snatch OHS Squat Snatch EMOM 20 15 Wallball on ODD minutes Magic #+1 BFB on EVENRead more
5 mins of planks! EMOM 10 (as fast as possible) 5 Double Wallball 5 burpees EMOM to failure 15 KBS on Odd mins Death by Thrusters on EVEN 95/65 (start at 5 reps)Read more