Warm-Up: 4 x 2:00 Rounds 1- Pass-Throughs, Around-the-Worlds, Good Mornings (use PVC, broomstick, towel, if possible)2- Heel, Toe, Bunny Hops, Squats3- Scorpion, Knuckles to Toes, Hip Bridge (all performed on your back)4- Scap Push-Ups, Press (standing or seated, weighted or unweighted), Unweighted Standing Reverse Fly Rehearsal4 Rounds10 Jumps/Squat (do a different 10 reps each round- Doubles, DB Jump-Overs, Air Squats, Goblet Squats)8 Sit-Ups6 Shoulder-to-Overhead Workout: AMRAP 3:100 Double-Unders30 Sit-UpsMax-Effort Single-Arm Shoulder to Overhead Rest 2:00 AMRAP 3:75 Dumbbell Jump-Overs30 Sit-UpsMax-Effort Single-Arm Shoulder to Overhead Rest 2:00 AMRAP 3:50 Air Squats30 Sit-UpsMax-Effort Single-Arm Shoulder to Overhead Rest 2:00 AMRAP 3:25 Goblet Squats30 Sit-UpsMax-Effort Single-Arm Shoulder to Overhead Switch hands as often as you’d like to keep the dumbbell moving for the remaining time each round. Track TOTAL number of Shoulder to Overhead reps over all 4 workouts. 30-Day Push-Up Challenge Day 9: 14 Reps6 Reps4 Reps
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Warm-Up: 3 Rounds5 Heel-to-Butt, Heel-to-Face 5 Air Squat + Boot-strapper 5 Alternating Toe Taps, Bunny Hops, Tuck Jumps 2 Rounds5 Opposite Shoulder Rotations5 Trunk Twists + Good Mornings5 Cobra to Plank Kickback 2 Rounds5 High Knees + Butt Kickers5 Speed Skaters5 Mountain Climbers A: EMOM 10 :30 Max Effort Mountain Climbers – EVEN :30 Plank – ODD B: EMOM 10 Magic Burpee Number + 1 C: Every 3:00 for 5 Rounds Run 400m Track your fastest and your slowest times! “Couch to 5K” – Week 3, Day 2 All: Tabata Run 8 Rounds of: :20 on/:10 off Running should be done at Maximum Effort! Track total distance covered in the 8 rounds. 30-Day Push-Up Challenge Day 8: 12 Reps4 Reps4 Reps
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Warm-Up: ALL Segments should done as :20 of work, :10 of rest Part 1-Straight Arm Raises, Arm Crosses, Lateral Hops, Hop Squats x2 (4:00) Part 2-Down-dog/Up-dog, Cobra, Scorpion on Stomach x2 (3:00) Part 3-Squat Hold, Squat Hold + Press, Air Squats, Jump Squats Strength: EMOM 10 10 Squat and Press on EVEN15 Sit Ups on ODD Track weight used for Squat and PressIt’s better to go lighter and more controlled than heavier and rush the movements. Reps should be segmented movements. Workout: Every 5 mins for 5 rounds: Run 400mMax Effort:10 Push Ups15 Air Squats30 Double-Unders or 30 Lateral Hops or 60 Single-Unders This workout is 25:00 long for everyone.Keep a running total for the rounds of 10/15/30 throughout the entire thing. Pick up where you left off the previous round. 30-Day Push-Up Challenge Day 7: 15 Second Plank 3 Sets
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Warm-Up: 3 Rounds3 Downward-facing Dog + Pigeon Stretch per side3 Cossack Squat per side3 Air Squat + Boot-strapper3 1/2 V-Ups + Alternating Super People per side30 Jumping Jacks 3 Rounds3 Lunge (Stretch, Samson, Jumping) per leg3 Inch Worms + Cobra + Push-Up3 Burpees Increase speed each round Strength: 4 Rounds for Form 1 min Plank on Hands1 min Wall Sit (keep knees at a 90)1 min Active Squat Hold1 min V Hold / Boat Pose Track total time to complete all 4 rounds. Workout: AMRAP 15 21 Dumbbell Deadlift15 Burpees9 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Squat Snatch “Couch to 5K” – Week 3, Day 1 All: 4 x 100 meters, 2 X 400 meters, 4 X 100 meters Recover 60 seconds between 100’s, 90 seconds between 400’s Track total time for the entire workout; including rest. When you finish the last 100m, you’re done. 30-Day Push-Up Challenge Day 6: 10 Reps6 Reps4...
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Warm-Up: 2 Rounds 5 all of the arm circles :40 Alternating Toe Taps 5 Quadruped reach + stretch per side :40 Jumping Jacks 5 Turkish Sit-Ups per side :40 Alternating Air/Jump Squat + Press/Sotts Press Strength: 5 Rounds for FORM not WEIGHT 15 Single-Arm Floor Press 10 Single-Arm Seated Strict Press 5 Single-Arm Sotts Press Workout: For time- 50 Turkish Get-Ups (25 per side) Although it says “for time” athletes should focus on proper technique for all reps. Here’s a short video of how I like to teach this movement! “Couch to 5K” – Week 2, Day 3 Beginning- 2 Miles at 80% of 1 Mile Time Trial Advanced- 4 Miles at 85% of 5K Time Trial 30-Day Push-Up Challenge 3 sets of 10 second plank
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