Warm-Up: Row 25 Strokes Slow, 10 Leg Swings Front/Back, 10 Arm Swings/Stretch, 10 Stretchy Squats Row 20 Strokes Medium, 5 Clean Grip Deadlifts, 5 High Hang Power Cleans, Front Rack Stretch\, 5 Slow Front Squats + Stretching, 5 Push Press + Stretch Row 15 Strokes Medium-Fast, 5 Power Cleans, 5 Push Press, Back Rack Stretch, 5 Slow Good Mornings, 5 Slow Back Squats + Stretching, 5 Behind-the-Neck Push Press + Stretch Row 10 Strokes FAST, (1 Full Round of Segmented Bear Complex + pause after each rep, 5 Sit-Ups after each round) x 5 At-Home Version: Double the number of strokes as seconds of Cardio (Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Running, Jump Rope), 3 + 3 per arm of single-arm reps for barbell reps Workout: Workout #1 EMOM 10: 1 Bear Complex @50% Clean & Jerk  (1 Bear Complex = Power Clean + Front Squat + Shoulder-to-Overhead + Back Squat + Shoulder to Overhead – Complete complex as separate movements)...
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Warm-Up: Row 1:00 Easy 10 Pass-Throughs + Around-the-Worlds + Trunk Twists + Good Mornings 10 Inch Worms + Scap Push-Ups (3x) Row 1:00 Medium 10 Stretchy-Squats + Air Squats + In-Place Hops + Hop Squats 10 Scorpions on Stomach (5 per side) + 10 Hand-Release Push-Ups Row 1:00 FAST 10 Scorpions on Back (5 per side) + Hip Bridges w pause + Knuckles to Toes 10 Burpees + Max Height Jumps Workout: 5 rounds of: AMRAP 4 Row 500m 12 Shoulder-to-Overhead (aim to complete in 1-2 sets each round – think: Medium weight)Max-Effort Double-Unders  Rest 2 mins  At-Home Version:Sub for Row – 2:00 of Cardio (running, jumping jacks, etc)Shoulder-to-Overhead – If weight is too light, complete 12 reps per arm of single-arm Shoulder-to-OverheadDouble-Unders – Single-unders, low box jumps, in-place hops (“air” jump ropes) Track total reps of Double-Unders completed over all 5 rounds. Row should not take longer than 2:30 any round, athletes...
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Warm-Up: 3 Slow down and back7 Stretchy SquatsArm Swings + Crosses2 Medium down and back7 “Air Snatches”Leg Swings1 Fast down and back7 Lunge + Stretch per leg7 Inch Worm + Scorpion PVC:Pass-ThroughBehind-the-Neck Drop to athletic stanceSnatch BalanceMuscle SnatchHigh Hang Power SnatchLow Hang Power SnatchPower Snatch Empty Bar:5 Snatch-Grip Deadlift5 High Hang Snatch High Pull 5 High Hang Snatch5 Unbroken Power Snatch Workout: 10 x 3:00 rounds of:At 0:00- complete 1 Power Snatch @ 40% every 10 seconds for one minuteAt 1:00- Run 150At 3:00- Repeat To make more challenging, instead of adding weight, complete reps as Squat Snatch. Goal today is to practice perfect form despite the higher volume! Track weight used and in comments track “average” time to complete each 150m run. Push the pace on the runs!
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Warm-Up: 150m Run Slow / Lunge + Stretch across gym down / Inch Worm + Up/Down Dog back 150m Run Medium / Air Squat + Boot Strapper + Broad Jump down / Inch Worm + 3 Scorpions per side on stomach + Broad Jump back 150m Run Fast / Lateral Lunge down / 1/2 Slow Forward Bear Crawl + 1/2 Slow Backward Bear Crawl back Rehearsal for Workout 2 After Part 1 Workout #1: FINAL DAY OF BURPEE CYCLE!! 100 Burpees for time! Get after it!!! Workout #2: AMRAP 12  3 Handstand Push-Ups 6 Toes-to-Bar 9 Wallballs Pause at lockout for each rep of HSPU for control. Seriously. Control each rep. At-Home Version: AMRAP 12  3 Single-Arm Z-Press per side + Pause at Lockout 6 V-Ups or 6 1/2 V-Ups per side 9 PVC/Broomstick Thrusters or 5 Single-Arm KB/DB Thrusters per arm
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Warm-Up: Increasing Ladder 1-6 – Single DB:Deadlift / Clean / Front Squat / Push Press / Burpee Over Dumbbell After each EVEN Round (2, 4, 6) complete either 150m Run or 12/9 Calorie Row (Slow, Medium, Fast) Clean Warm-Up with a barbell Workout: AMRAP 25 3 Power Clean @ 65% (complete these reps as singles, NOT touch-and-go) 150m Run OR 12/9 Calorie Row 8 Bar-Facing Burpees
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