Strength: EMOM 105 Deadlift at 40-45% Workout: AMRAP 1310 Toes to Bar12/9 Cal Row10 Wall Ball At-Home Version:10 Leg Lowers20 PVC/Broomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pulls10 PVC/Broomstick Thrusters OR 5 Single-Arm DB/KB Thrusters per arm
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3 rounds of:1 min Max-Effort Hang Dumbbell Clean & JerkRest 1 min1 min Forearm Plank (nothing to track here)Rest 1 min1 min Max-Effort Hang Dumbbell Snatch 50/35Rest 1 min1 min Hollow Rocks/Boat Pose (nothing to track here)Rest 1 min and repeat Intended Stimulus: Steady tempo, aim to hang onto that dumbbell! Track Total Reps of Dumbbell Movements. At-Home Version is exactly the same. “Workout prep notes” Since we’re not counting reps for the Forearm Plank or Hollow Rocks/Boat Pose stations, make perfect form your top priority. Straight line from heels to your head on the Plank – no droopy or elevated hips. On the Boat Pose, prioritize your lower back being completely flat against the floor. In order to accomplish that, consider raising your legs higher. During both stations…. remember to breathe!
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Workout: 8 Rounds of:2 Touch-and-Go Snatch @ 45-50% Every 12 seconds for 5 rounds.At 1:00 Run 150At 3:00 Repeat Remember, our primary focus on these training days is to improve technique and efficiency with barbell cycling. Increase weight from the last few weeks and prioritize moving well! At-Home Version is exactly the same. Simply alternate single-arm DB/KB Snatch for two reps each round. Track the weight used for Snatches and log average time in comments section if you’d like.
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Strength: 4 Rounds:15 Plate Ground-to-Overhead (pause in lockout)12 Dumbbell Weighted Box Step-Ups (6 per leg)9 Strict Toe-to-Bar/Hanging Knee Raises (slow controlled lowers/maintain active shoulders) Keep it moving between exercises, rest 2:00 between roundsTrack heaviest weight used for box step-ups (write 50 if you use 50# DB’s in each hand) Workout: AMRAP 123 Wall Walks10 Power Cleans 95/6530 Lateral Bar Hops (over = 1, back = 2) Intended Stimulus: Fast and intense Wall Walks should pause at the top of each rep, focus on proper posture.Barbell focus is being able to touch-and-go reps. At-Home Version:AMRAP125 Inch Worms (start standing, fold forwards, walk hands out to plank, walk hands back in, stand tall)5 Alternating Dumbbell Power Cleans per arm30 Lateral Hops over DB/KB
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Strength: Shoulder Press for load: Today’s Strength is a 10 minute EMOM of 4 Strict Press. Each rep should have a 3 second pause in the lockout.Start light (empty bar for some) and add weight if technique allows.We’ll be working towards a 1RM Strict Press in 4 weeks. Track heaviest successful set of 4 reps. Priority is control in lockout position for each rep. Workout: 3 Rounds for Time:400m Run (500m Row)5 Muscle-Ups (or 10 Pull-Ups or 10 Controlled Ring Rows)15 Push Press (with final weight achieved during Shoulder Press) At-Home Version:400m Run10 Bent-Over DB/KB Row per arm10 Single-Arm DB/KB Push Press per arm
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