This will take the entire class time to complete so please do not show up late. “Small” “Small” Three rounds for time of: Row 1000 meters 50 Burpees 50 Box jumps, 24″ box Run 800 meters U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small, 29, of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group...Read More
Part one today is more skill based. I promise tomorrow will be enough nasty for two days…. Spend 20 minutes working on Bar muscle up and triple under progression. Then…. Do 1 round every 2 minutes of…10 Overhead squats (50%), 30 double unders, 10 toe to bar Continue doing rounds until you can not complete...Read More
You getting so shredded of the day, part 1: Power clean- 3 touch and go on the minute at heaviest weight possible Part 2: 10-1/1-10 Chest to bar pull ups and dead lifts (65% 1RM) Beginner class: (Event 1) Overhead squat. 20-10-5 of overhead squat and box jump (run 400m between each round)Read More
Training of the day, part 1: Front squat: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 on the minute, starting at 70% and increasing weight each set Part 2: AMRAP 12 minutes of….100ft weighted walking lunge (45/25) 10 thrusters (95/65), 20 V-upsRead More
Beginner class: (Event 5) Turkish get ups as a skill. 12-9-6-3 of…. burpees and box jumps Try one of the regional workouts during open gym time.Read More
Another motivated Saturday morning! Come bring a friend to the all abilities class at 10:30. Still have more in the tank?? Try one of the regional workouts going on this weekend in Santiago Chile, during open gym.Read More
The CrossFit Games Regionals starts today in 3 of the 17 regions. One of those is Latin America where some guy named Leo is competing. In previous years the Latin American region has not been broadcast but if you would like to keep up on his progress check here Training of the day, part...Read More
Yesterday was brutal yeah?? So lets take care of our bodies for a minute (or twenty) Part 1: 20 minutes of mobility Part 2: 2 rounds of…. 30 burpee box over, 20 power snatches (65/95), 150m farmer carry (55/35)Read More