Training of the Day 10 minutes to Row 2k then max rep ring dips, rest :30. 10 minutes to run 1 mile then max rep slam ball. rest 3 minutes then 2k row Time trial. Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Over head squat; 5 second decent, 2 second hold, fast up. 5-5-5 @ 60% 1RM then AMRAP in 14 minutes of… 10 toe to bar, 10 wall ball, 1 rope climb Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Push. push press, jerk, split jerk. On the minute at 90% of Push press 1RM, X7 minutes then 4 rounds of… 1 minute Dumbell snatch (:30 right/ :30 left), 1 minute decline push ups (20in box), 1 minute V-ups Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
PR of the Day 3 attempts to hit 3 rep max dead lift then AMRAP in 10 minutes of… 5 Power cleans (155/105), 10 goblet squats (55/35), 5 strict pull ups Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Strict press; 5-5-5 @ 80% then Row; 10 rounds of 1 minute on :30 off. Record calorie total of each individual round. At the end of the final interval, do 2 burpees for every calorie varience from the first round. Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More