Training of the Day! A. 4×10 Parallette Pass Thru’s. B. Burpee Cycle! Magic Number in 2 sets! Rest 3 minutes between sets. MN sets of: 100 50, 50 120 60,60 130 65, 65 140 70, 70 150 ...Read More
Training of the day! This workout slapped a shark at a recent surfing contest. A. 10 attempts: 4 position Muscle Up Holds B. Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds: 1 Shuttle Run 5 Squat Clean Thrusters 4 Rack Position Stepping Lunge Use 50% ME Clean and Jerk and add weight as possible. C. EMOM 10...Read More
Training of the day! A. 5×10 (5 per leg) Single Leg KB deadlift B. Double Tabata DU C. EMOM 20 :30 ME deadlifts 225/135 (45%) on Odd mins 150m Run on Even mins Read More
Training of the day! A. 5×10 Weighted breathing. Laying prone on the floor place a light KB over your belly button. Taking a deep, 3 second breath, push out your stomach raising the weight and hold for 3 seconds. Exhale over 5 seconds and repeat. This will be awkward at first and you may not...Read More
Training of the Day! A. 30 Turkish Get Ups for FORM! (10 min time cap) B. 1-10 Ladder of: Cal Row WallBall Muscle Ups Clean and Jerks 155/105 (50% ME Clean and Jerk) Complete 1 rep of each move in a row, then 2 reps of each, then 3 and so on until 10 reps...Read More
Training of the Day! This workout can win a game of Connect Four…. in three moves. A. Every :45 for 10 rounds: 10 Hollow Rocks B. Today we take our “Magic Number” from last week and do it in thirds with 2 minutes of rest between sets. Magic Number: Reps per set: 100 33,33,34 120...Read More