Warm-Up: 10 Rep Round: Single-Arm- Forward and Backwards Circles, Up-Downs, Crosses, Reach + Stretch, “Lazy” Plank Kickbacks 5 Rep Round: Heel-to-Butt, Heel-to-Face, Cossack Squats, Staggered-Stance Good Mornings, Broad Jump + High Jump 3 Rounds (with empty bar or single dumbbell): 6 Deadlifts / 4 Hang Power Snatch / 2 Push Press (behind the neck with bar, 2 per side with dumbbell) / 4 Step-Ups / 6 Sit-Ups (any variation) Workout: AMRAP 32 – (8 rounds of 4 movements) 1- 12 Hang Power Snatch (45/35#) / <At-Home- 6 Single-Arm Hang Snatches per arm> 2- 12 Box Step-Overs (stand all the way up at the top, both feet on the box each rep) / <At-Home- Step-Ups> 3- 12 Barbell Good Mornings / <At-Home- PVC or Broomstick Good Mornings> 4- 12 Power Sit-Ups (find a variation of these that can be done with control) Extra Credit: 20 Alternating Turkish Get-Ups (10/side) For FORM,...
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Warm-Up: 2 Minute AMRAP- Arm/Shoulder Stretches 3 Minute AMRAP- Up/Down Dog, Mountain Climber, Pigeon, etc (on stomach) 2 Minute AMRAP- Hip Stretch, Hip Bridges, Scorpions (on back) 2 Rounds- 5 Dumbbell Push Press (per arm), 4 Goblet Squats, 3 Dumbbell Goblet Lunges (per leg), 2 Dumbbell Windmills (per arm) Workout: 5 Rounds for Time: 100ft. Single Dumbbell Overhead Carry 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 100ft. Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 30 Dumbbell Goblet Squats Priority number one should be controlling that overhead position. Be sure elbow remains locked out and stable overhead. Switch hands as often as you’d like. Form over speed today!
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Warm-Up: 3 Rounds of each block (1) 5 Squat + Stretch / 5 Forward and Backward Lunges per leg / 5 Quadruped Rotations per side / 20 Jumping Jacks (2) 5 Deadlifts / 5 High Hang Clean Pulls / 5 Hang Power Cleans / 15 Criss-Cross Hops (3) 5 Single Leg RDLs per leg / 5 Power Cleans / 5 Front Squats / 10 Hop Squats Workout: *TWICE THROUGH* AMRAP 4 Run 400m Max Effort Deadlifts (@30% of 1RM) in remaining time <At-Home Version – Alternating Dumbbell Deadlifts> Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 4 Run 400m Max Effort Power Cleans (same weight) in remaining time <At-Home Version – Alternating Dumbbell Power Cleans> Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 4 Run 400m Max Effort Squat Cleans (same weight) in remaining time <At-Home Version – Alternating Dumbbell Squat Cleans> Rest 2 Minutes Track TOTAL NUMBER of reps over all SIX rounds of this workout Extra...
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Warm-Up: 2 Minute AMRAPs (1) 10 Trunk Twists, 10 Forward + Backward Arm Swings, 10 Kang Squats / (2) 10 Staggered Hops per side, 10 Lunge + Stretch (5/side), 10 Single-Arm DB Swings (5/side) / (3) 5 Single-Leg RDL + Row, 5 Single-Arm Push Press, 5 Plank Kickback + Push-Up Strength: New Magic Number: (Original Magic Number +5) x 10. Use the same number as last week’s reps. It doesn’t matter if you finished them or not.  For time:Magic Number in 5 sets. Rest 1 min between sets.  (If your original Magic Number was 7, your Magic Number + 5 from last week = 12. 12 x 10 = 120. That’s your new Magic Number – 120. Divide that number by 5. 120 divided by 5 = 24. Complete 5 sets of 24 reps, with one minute rest between each) Workout: For time: 50-40-30-20-10Sit Ups Double-Unders (Double the reps for Single-Unders, same number of...
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Warm-Up: 1 Minute Rounds: 1- Arm Swings + Stretch / 2- Lunge + Mountain Climbers / 3- Alternating Super People 2 Minute Rounds: (1) 5 reps each of Heel-to-Toe + Heel-to-Butt + Heel-to-Face + Squat / (2) 4 reps each of Leg Lowers + Knuckles to Toes + Hip Bridges / (3) 3 reps each of Inch Worms + Plank Kickbacks + Burpees Workout A: EMOM 10 Magic Number Burpees +5! If you’re unable to complete the required work each minute, view this workout as “Max Burpees in 10 Minutes” Workout B: 4 Rounds: 10 Curtsy Lunge (5/side) 10 Lateral Hops over Dumbbell (5/side) 10 Broad Jump + High Jump 10 Bicycle Crunches + Pause (5/side) Workout C: EMOM 10 100m Sprint
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