Warm-Up: 150m Run, 10 PVC Good Mornings, 20 PVC Lunge + Twist, :30 Boat Pose150m Run, 10 Air Squats, 20 PVC Pass-throughs, :30 Overhead Squats150m Run, 10 Super People, 20 Single Leg KB RDLs, :30 ThrustersRehearsal:Bar Muscle-Up Prep, 5 KB DL, 5 Thurster, 5 OHS, 5 Sit-Ups Workout: For Time: 100 Kettlebell Deadlift <aim for large sets> Rest 2 minutes 75 Thrusters (45/35) <sets of at least 15> Rest 2 minutes 50 Overhead Squats (45/35) <keep it moving> Rest 2 minutes 50 Sit-Ups Rest 2 minutes 25 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups <find your appropriate modification. aim for sets of ~5> Rest 2 minutes Run 500m At-Home Version: 100 KB/DL Deadlift / 75 Thrusters (PVC or Single KB/DB Thrusters) / 50 Overhead Squats (PVC OHS – controlled tempo) / 50 Sit-Ups / 500m Run
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Warm-Up: 30 seconds Shadow Jump Rope, 60 seconds Inch Worm + Push-Up30 seconds Air Squats, 60 seconds Plank Kickbacks30 seconds Jump Squats, 60 seconds Slow Burpees30 seconds Tuck Jumps, 60 seconds Box Step-Overs30 seconds Box Jumps, 60 seconds Box Runarounds Workout #1: Magic Number Burpees! Complete your Magic Number of reps in TWO sets with FOUR minutes rest between them. Track and log final time! Workout #2: 3 Rounds for time of: 30 Box Jumps 400m Run Track and log final time Athletes are encouraged to step down from box jumps to reduce likelihood of injury! (It also helps many of us control our heart rate more effectively.)
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Warm-Up: Starting at your “wall ball” station: Lunge + Stretch down, Inch Worm + Stretch back, 10 Wall Ball Push Press High Knees down, Broad Jump back, Butt Kicks down, Bunny Hops back, 10 Wall Ball Bear Hug Squats Run down and back, 5 Scap Pull-Ups, Run down and back, 5 Kips, Run down and back, 5 Hanging Knee Raises, 10 Wall Balls Workout: 7 Rounds 3 Minute AMRAP of- 150m Run / 10 Wall Balls / 10 Toes to Bar Max Effort Power Snatches in remaining time each round 1 minute rest between rounds Track total reps of Snatch completed over all 7 rounds Please don’t drop barbells with smaller weights on them from overhead. Wall Balls should be unbroken, Toes to Bar ideally in sets of 3-5 reps, and Snatches should be linked together in sets of at least 5-7 reps at a time (75/45lbs?). At-Home Version: 7...
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Workout: EMOM 32 (8 rounds)– 5, 7, or 9 Handstand Push-Ups – 30/50 DU  – 5, 7 Squat Cleans @ 50% – 5, 7, or 9 Pull Ups / Ring Rows At-Home Version: EMOM 32 (8 rounds)– 5, 7, or 9 Handstand Push-Ups or 4-6 reps of Standing or Seated Single-Arm Dumbbell Press per arm – 30/50 DU or 30 Lateral Hops over DB – 5, 7 Squat Cleans @ 50% or 4-6 Single-Arm DB Squat Cleans per arm – 5, 7, or 9 Pull Ups / Ring Rows or 4-6 Single-Arm DB Bent-Over Rows per arm Prioritize full Range of Motion and control for every single rep. Control lockouts (press), stand all the way up (cleans), and squeeze shoulder blades together (rows) through the entire workout!
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Warm-Up: 4-5 Minutes of Agility Drills (Parking Lot Day!) Squat/Hip/Hamstring Stretches Rehearsal: 3 reps each of KB/DB Swings, KB/DB Deadlifts, KB/DB Clean and Jerks, KB/DB Thrusters 4 reps each of KB/DB Swings, KB/DB Deadlifts, KB/DB Clean and Jerks, KB/DB Thrusters 5 reps each of KB/DB Swings, KB/DB Deadlifts, KB/DB Clean and Jerks, KB/DB Thrusters Workout:For time:500m Run100 KBS   500m Run  100 Air Squats  500m Run 50 Alt DB Clean and Jerks  500m Run  50 DB Thrusters   At-Home Version:Since most at-home athletes have a single Dumbbell (versus a kettlebell), simply change those swings to DB swings. The rest is exactly the same! Our goal for today’s workout is to sweat. Find a reasonable weight KB for swings (sets of ~15-20 reps at a time), a lighter DB for Clean and Jerks and Thrusters (~10 at a time), and just keep it moving!
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