Tuesday 6/2


5 Minute AMRAP: 5 reps of each (w PVC)

Pass-throughs / Around-the-Worlds / Good Mornings / Trunk Twists / Leg Swings / Squats / Push Press / Thrusters

4 Minute AMRAP: 4 reps of each (w PVC)

Snatch Balance / Overhead Squat / Calorie Row / 10 Double-Unders or 20 Single-Unders


5 Rounds of:


500m Row / 20 Wall Balls / 10 Snatch (95/65) / Max Effort Double-Unders in remaining time each round

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Score is TOTAL number of Double-Unders over all 5 rounds

At-Home Version:

5 Rounds of:


400m Run / 20 PVC/Broomstick Thrusters / 10 Alternating DB Snatch (5 per side) / Max Effort Double-Unders (or lateral hops over DB) in remaining time each round

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Score is TOTAL number of Double-Unders/Lateral Hops over all 5 rounds

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