Training of the Day Clean Find your 1 rep max. then “Grace” 30 reps for time: Clean and Jerk (135 lbs) Beginner Class 7:30p Press, push press, jerk then 10 minute AMRAP 30 Single unders 20 air squat 10 push pressRead More
Training of the Day Partner up… 2 rounds of… partner “A” 150m. run Partner “B” hand stand kick ups switch 2 rounds of…. partner “A” 150m run Partner “B” wall ball switch 2 rounds of…. Partner “A” 150m run Partner “B” push upsRead More
training of the Day Seated floor press 7-6-5-4-3 @60% strict press 1RM Send off on the minute then In 90 seconds do…. 5 Ring dips 5 Thrusters max rep double unders rest :30 complete 6 roundsRead More
Training of the Day Box squat 2 reps every :30 for 7 minutes @ 60% 1RM *Stop completely on the box. Explode up then AMRAP 9 minutes 6 Box jump 12 push up (hand release)Read More
Training of the Day TUT Dead lifts 6-5-4 @ 55% 1/6 then 2 minute max rep KBS :30 rest 2 minute max rep pull up :30 rest 2 minute max rep KBS Beginner class 7:30p Dead lift skill practice 12 minute ladder 3 barbell push up 3 wall ball 6 barbell push up 6 wall...Read More
Training of the Day Time under tension Overhead squat 6 down, 3 hold, 1 second up 5-5-5-5 @ 60% then 4 rounds for time…. 20 Ring dips 150m run 15 power snatch Beginner Class 7:30p pull up and ring dip as a skill AMRAP 10 minutes burpees on the :30 do 3 pull ups on...Read More
Training of the Day 2 minute wall sit hold 500m run 2 minute plank hold 40 push ups 2 minute dead hang 30 pull ups 2 minute wall sit Break up each static hold as needed but complete a total of 2 minutes of each before moving on.Read More