Training of the Day!
Recovery and skills!
A. 5 rounds of:
5 bridge Ups
:30 plank holds
B. EMOM 10 @ 35-40%
1 Snatch Deadlift, 1 Snatch Highpull, 1 Snatch, 1 Hang Snatch
C. AMRAP 20 @ 70%
10 Cal Row
150m Run
A. 5 rounds of:
5 bridge Ups
:30 plank holds
B. EMOM 10 @ 35-40%
1 Snatch Deadlift, 1 Snatch Highpull, 1 Snatch, 1 Hang Snatch
C. AMRAP 20 @ 70%
10 Cal Row
150m Run