Warm-Up: :60 Slow Rowing / 10 Up+Down Dog / 8 Staggered-Stance Good Mornings / 6 Squat + Rotation:45 Medium Rowing / 10 PVC Push Press + Stetch / 8 PVC Kang Squats / 6 Slow Reverse Snow Angels :30 FAST Rowing / 10 Hip Bridge + Pause / 8 “Candlesticks” or Knuckles to Toes / 6 Burpee + Max Height Jump 3 Rounds of 3 Scapular Pull-Ups + 3 Kips / Toes to Bar Practice Strength/Skill: Complete “New” Magic Number Burpees in 4 Sets Rest 2:00 between sets (Example: Original Magic Numer = 5 5 + 5 (initial progression sequence) = “10” “10” x 10 = 100 100 is “New” Magic Number 100 / 4 (the 4 sets listed above) = 25 Reps Today’s workout is to complete 4 sets of 25 reps, with two minutes rest between each, Track final time!) Workout: For time:30-20-10 Row for CaloriesPush Press –...
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Warm-Up: Heel to Butt, Heel to Face, Arm Swings / Moderate Jog x4 / Lateral Lunge, Squat + Bootstrappers, Arm Swings / Moderate Jog (+) x4 5 Reps each- Single-Arm Dumbbell Deadlift + Clean + Push Press, 50ft Overhead Walk per side x2 rounds 5 Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch, 50ft Single-Arm Farmer’s Carry, 5 Goblet Squats per side Workout: 5 Rounds for Time: 100ft Single-Arm Overhead Lunge 30 Alternating Snatches 100ft Farmer’s Carry (Heavier DB/KBs) 30 Goblet Squats Track final time at the end of the 5th round (At-Home Version- ~30 Steps of Lunges = ~100ft. If you don’t have two weights, walk 50ft with your weight in one hand, then 50ft with it in your other hand.)
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Warm-Up: :60 Slow Jumping Jacks10 PVC Pass-Throughs / Around-the-Worlds / Trunk Twists :45 Medium Jumping Jacks8 Squats + Stretch / PVC Good Mornings / PVC Behind-the-Neck Push Press :30 Fast Jumping Jacks6 SLOW PVC Overhead Squats / PVC Jump Squats (PVC on your back/chest up) / Burpees Strength: EMOM 105 to 7 Power Snatch @ 40% Reps are to be completed as singles. Reset before each one.Lower percentage work allows us to reintroduce complex barbell movements with a focus on technique. At-Home Version:12 Alternating Dumbbell SnatchesPause overhead each rep to control each rep. Workout: For time:50-40-30-20-10 Box Jumps (24/20″)Kettlebell Swings At-Home Version:Step-UpsDumbbell Swings Athletes are encouraged to step down from their box jumps to keep moving and keep their heart rate under control. Kettlebell Swings should be completed in large sets.
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This weekend brings with it a CrossFit tradition, the Hero workout Murph! Given the fact that we haven’t been in the gym much over the last few months, all athletes are encouraged to scale/modify more than usual this year. Please take care of yourselves!” Workout: “Murph” Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.• 1 mile Run• 100 Pull-ups• 200 Push-ups• 300 Squats• 1 mile Run
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Warm-Up: 10 Frames of “ROW”ling Aim to land your rower on 100m exactly. Complete one burpee for every meter over or under 100, each frame. (Max of 10 per frame) <A score of 97 meters is 3 *under* 100, so the athlete should complete 3 burpees. A score of 105 meters is 5 *over* 100, so the athlete should complete 5 burpees.> Workout: 4 Rounds of: 400m Run (Jog) 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (Plank Kickback Box Step-Overs) 10 SLOW Birddogs (5 per side) Rest 1:00 between rounds The jog and step-overs are designed to be a modified version for athletes planning to complete Murph this weekend.
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