


This Sunday at 1:00pm we will be hosting a BBQ in the parking lot!  One of our members has offered to take the pot of cash he earned from a clean eating challenge we hosted back in May and use it to purchase meat and condiments to share with all of us.  Please join us for a cookout, these summer days are fading fast! Our hope is that you will bring your friends and family.  Bring a side to share if you are inclined, or if you’d like something particular to drink make sure to pick it up.  We are really looking forward to seeing everyone!


Training of the Day
10 minutes to establish as many rounds and as much weight as possible of 150m run and jerk. Starting with a weight of your choice do 1 Shoulder to overhead then run 150m. In every round the weight must increase. You get only 1 attempt at the lift per round. Score is max points, points are 1 for every pound lifted at the heaviest weight lifted and 10 points per completed round. (If you fail a lift the round is not complete and you do not receive those points) Example of score… 200lb jerk for final lift and 6 rounds complete equals 260 points.
Practice with weighted pistols. then as many alternating pistols as possible in :30. rest :30 then repeat that number on the minute, every minute for 5 total minutes

beginner class
(Event 1) Overhead squat: determine potential range of motion issues with the overhead squat.
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 Overhead squats (95 lbs)

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

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