Tuesday 8/19


ANNOUNCEMENT: Tuesday, 8/19 Dr. Missy Albrecht will be hosting a new format for mobility.  The results were extraordinary from our prior Sunday Mobility classes, but there wasn’t many of you that were able to attend due to the time it was held.  We are going to host mobility classes that are 1/2 hour long that run prior to, or immediately following our afternoon classes.  So on Tuesday, mobility classes will be held at 5pm, 5:30pm, 6pm, 6:30pm,  7pm, and 7:30pm.  In more simple terms, Mobility classes will start every half hour beginning at 5pm and the last one will start at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 8/19.

We would love to see you all there asking questions and working on your problem areas this Tuesday!  Ask a coach or email CrossFitCuspis@gmail.com if you have any further questions.  Happy training, gang!


Training of the Day
Dead lift; 1-1-1 at 92%
10 hang cleans (65% power clean 1RM), 20 kettle bell swings, 150m sprint. Rest 1 minute then, 150m sprint, 20 kettlebell swings, 10 hang cleans

Post your scores to the Whiteboard.

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