3 Rounds (get faster each round)
10 Jumping Jacks / 8 Heel-to-Butt + Lunge + Stretch (4 per side) / 6 Stretchy Squats / 4 Inch Worm + Up and Down Dog / 2 Burpees (jump higher each round)
Toe to Bar Warm-Up on Rig
Barbell Warm-Up for Cleans and Shoulder to Overhead
3 rounds of:
1 min Max Effort:
Burpees / Box Jumps / Toes to Bar / Hang Squat Clean @ 40% / Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 1:00 after each movement!
At-Home Version
Burpees / Step-Ups / 1/2 V-Ups (L + R = 2) / Single-Arm Alternating Hang Squat Clean / Single-Arm Shoulder to Overhead (alternate as desired)
Track TOTAL REPS completed over all three rounds. Jot down any relevant notes in Comments section.
Focus for today is INTENSITY! Aim to work for the entire 60 seconds each round!