ALL Segments should done as :20 of work, :10 of rest
Part 1-
Straight Arm Raises, Arm Crosses, Lateral Hops, Hop Squats x2 (4:00)
Part 2-
Down-dog/Up-dog, Cobra, Scorpion on Stomach x2 (3:00)
Part 3-
Squat Hold, Squat Hold + Press, Air Squats, Jump Squats
10 Squat and Press on EVEN
15 Sit Ups on ODD
Track weight used for Squat and Press
It’s better to go lighter and more controlled than heavier and rush the movements. Reps should be segmented movements.
Every 5 mins for 5 rounds:
Run 400m
Max Effort:
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
30 Double-Unders or 30 Lateral Hops or 60 Single-Unders
This workout is 25:00 long for everyone.
Keep a running total for the rounds of 10/15/30 throughout the entire thing. Pick up where you left off the previous round.
30-Day Push-Up Challenge
Day 7:
15 Second Plank
3 Sets