2 Rounds
5 all of the arm circles
:40 Alternating Toe Taps
5 Quadruped reach + stretch per side
:40 Jumping Jacks
5 Turkish Sit-Ups per side
:40 Alternating Air/Jump Squat + Press/Sotts Press
5 Rounds for FORM not WEIGHT
15 Single-Arm Floor Press
10 Single-Arm Seated Strict Press
5 Single-Arm Sotts Press
For time-
50 Turkish Get-Ups (25 per side)
Although it says “for time” athletes should focus on proper technique for all reps.
Here’s a short video of how I like to teach this movement!
“Couch to 5K” – Week 2, Day 3
Beginning- 2 Miles at 80% of 1 Mile Time Trial
Advanced- 4 Miles at 85% of 5K Time Trial
30-Day Push-Up Challenge
3 sets of 10 second plank