Classes today will be at 12:00 and 4:00. Open Gym is 8-12 and 2-4. Please plan on at LEAST an hour to complete this WOD. Try to not have your workout bleed into a class. See you there!
12 Days of Thanksgiving!
12 Wallball
11 Push Ups
10 KBS
9 T2B
8 Med Ball Cleans
7 Deadlift 155/105 (55% C&J)
6 Muscle Ups
5 Hang Power Clean and Jerk 155/105
4 Snatch 155/105
3 Clusters 155/105
2 OHS 155/105
1 1000m run or row
The sequence will go:
And so on to 12-1 for the last round.