CrossFit Games workout 14.1 can be found here….. 10 Min AMRAP 30 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches (75/55) KILL IT NINJAS!!!!! Beginner class Handstand/HSPU as a skill 30-20-10 Decline push ups, wall ball, single unders Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day TUT OHS: 1 set, 12 reps (4/4/1) @45% then AMRAP 4 minutes burpees. Rest 1 minute. AMRAP 4 minutes power snatch (60%) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Strict press: 8-8-8 @ 70% then 30 HSPU, 1k run, 20 HSPU, 500m run beginner class Clean / AMRAP 8 minutes of 8 power clean, 16 calorie row Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Dead lift: 3-2-2 @ 90% then 21-15-9 of heavy Kettlebell swings / Cal. Row Beginner class Snatch / 21-15-9 of KB Snatch and capacity jump (12 in overhead target) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Clean 8 minutes to build to heaviest possible then 1 on the minute for 5 minutes then 2 power clean / 2 thrusters 4/4 6/6 8/8 10/10 continue increasing by 2’s for 7 minutes *weight is 45% of “A” weight Beginner class Clean (power, full) 7 Minutes, as many rounds as...Read More
Training of the Day Run 500m for time then 100 burpees for time then 500 m row. Rest between each component is 4 minutes Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More
Training of the Day Back squat 3-3-3 @ 90% then 15-12-9-5 wall ball hand release push up ring dip beginner class Shoulder to overhead Press, push press, jerk then 4 rounds for time of…. 150m run 10 push press 50′ walking lunge Post your scores to the Whiteboard.Read More