1.) The “Jort” WOD has been moved to Sunday at noon.  After which we will be tearing down the back wall so stick around if you want a picture doing some construction in your tiny jean shorts.

2.) There are only a few more days to get in on the Charter member rate so if you have a friend who is interested, now is the time!!!

3.) Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy coaching you Ninjas???  Keep up all the awesome work I love hearing our new PR bell ring!  #ALLDAY


Training of the Day
Snatch 75% 1RM
Touch and go
2-2-2-2-2-2    :30 recovery
80 push ups
60 T2B
40 KBS
20 Box jump
EMOTM 1 snacth @ 80% 1RM

12 Minute time cut off. Every uncompleted rep adds 1 second to your time. So if you get through everything minus the 20 box jumps in 12 minutes, your “score/time” is 12:20


Here is a video to get you pumped about today’s workout….

S. Balance 2-2-2-2-2-2 @ 90% Snatch 1RM

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