Hey all, there is only two more weeks to sign up for the open!  I’ll give you a couple more days before I start calling people out!

As of now our team is looking great with Diana, Ashley, Ali, Iassen, Natalie, Christina, Julie and Leo representing Cuspis!  Still plenty of room for you… Yeah you!  You know who I’m talking to!


Training of the Day
A.) Time under tension dead lifts
4-5-6-6-5-4 @ 60% of 1RM
lift should take 1-2 seconds on the pull, and 4-5 seconds on the decent with no pause at the top or bottom.
B.) 5- 2 minute rounds of…
7 ring dips
7 Kettlebell swings (HEAVY)
remainder of the time for max rep burpees
Rest 1 minute between each round

*score is total number of burpees

Competitor Supplement

5 minutes to establish best 3 rounds of double unders.

Then 5 rounds of :30+ of L-Sit or L-hold

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