The Open has come to an end and I couldn’t be more proud. In the last 5 weeks I witnessed you guys get your first chest to bar pull up, your first 95# clean and jerk, your first 135# snatch, and your first muscle up! I then watched as you did another, and another, defying even your own self expectations! As the weeks and months progress and a workout is programmed that seems impossible for you comes up, think about what was impossible just five short weeks ago. Think about how you put yourself up against 140,000 people and came out a stronger version of yourself. Know that you don’t need the open to defy what is possible, you have the power to do that everyday!
Training of the Day
TUT overhead squats. 6-6-5-5 @ 55%
4 rounds for time of…
20 calorie row
20 double unders
20 wall ball
20 double unders
Competitor supplement
Back squat 2-2-2-2-2 @ 90% 1RM