Thursday 5/7


1 Minute- Quick Feet + 1 Burpee every :15

2 Minutes- Squat + Bootstrapper + Thoracic Rotation

2 Minutes- PVC Pass-Throughs, Around-the-Worlds, Leg Swings

2 Minutes- 3 Alternating Hang Clean and Jerk, 3 Goblet Squats

1 Minute- Speed Skater + 2 Squat Jumps every :15



2 Single-Arm Dumbbell Bear Complex (1 per arm)

<1 Rep = Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Front Squat, Push Press>

Max Effort Plank in remaining time each minute



1,000m Run

150 Air Squats

100 Floor Press (50 per arm)

50 Bent-Over Row (25 per arm)

Break up reps of Floor Press and Bent-Over Row however you’d like.

Focus on moving well today. Full Range of Motion on every rep!

Extra Credit:

6 x 400m Run

1 Slow, 1 Medium, 1 Fast x2

Rest 2 minutes between each interval. Add an extra two minutes rest after #3 (the first fast one).

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