Beginners Competition Workout # 2


Training of the Day
8 minute ladder of….
3 burpees, 3 push press (55/75#)
6 burpees, 6 push press
9 burpees, 9 push press
12 burpees, 12 push press
15 burpees, 15 push press
18 burpeess, 18 push press

* the ladder will continue by 3’s until the 8 minutes expire
** Teams- athlete two begins the burpees only after athlete 1 has touched the push press bar. Only 1 bar can be moving per team at a time. Team score is total number of reps completed.

***Athletes will be permitted to jerk the bar overhead as long as they are locked out and have control.



Thank you Fat JacksBlackside Concepts and South Platte Free Range Beef! for your support in this event!  Athletes go check out their pages for a sneak peak at what you will be competing for….. besides a wicked sweet good time!!

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