
Leo and Diana each come away with 1st place finishes this weekend but the biggest win was the awesome support from the Cuspis crew!  Thank you so much to everyone who made the drive to cheer us on.  I am constantly humbled by this community!  

Training of the Day
8 @ 60%, 6 @ 70%, 4 @ 80%, 2 @ 90%
rest time is 1 minute between sets.
12 minutes AMRAP
10 back squats (50% 1RM)
20 KB snatches
40 mountain climbers

Competitor Supplement

2 Snatch grip DL @ 130% snatch 1RM on even minutes / 2 hang snatches @ 75% on odd minutes.  12 minutes total.

Max rep unbroken HSPU

rest 3 minutes

Max rep Unbroken muscle ups

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