Skill Work: EMOM 10 1- 10 LIGHT Wall Balls (10/14) 2- 20 Unweighted Walking Lunges Workout: Cardio Party! 10:00 Bike/Row Rest 4:00 10:00 Row/Bike
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Strength: 12 minutes to complete 5 sets of: Tempo Ring Dips – 4 reps (@31X1) Strict Toes-to-Bar – 6 reps Workout: AMRAP 3 x 3 3 rounds of: (4 Hang Power Cleans (135/185#) + 6 Bar-Facing Burpees) Max reps of Double-Unders in remaining time Rest 2:00 between rounds
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Strength: 12 minutes to complete 5 sets of: 5 Back Squats No tempo Workout: For Time: 15 Thrusters (65/95#) + 15 Pull-Ups 12 Thrusters + 12 Pull-Ups 9 Thrusters + 9 Pull-Ups 6 Thrusters + 6 Pull-Ups Thruster reps should be unbroken.
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Workout: AMRAP 12 Row 150m 8 Push-Ups (full one-count pause at each lockout) 8 Slam Ball Sit-Ups (throw against the wall) Row = 1 rep Hail Mary applies Finisher: Take 5:00 to recover from workout and then: 4 rounds NOT for time of: 10 Burpee SPRINT 10 Banded Bicep Curls 10 Banded Tricep Extensions per arm Rest as needed between exercises and rounds
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Strength: E2MOM x 5 + 1 Back Squat 5 reps @31X1 tempo Final set – Max Reps in :40 at ~50% of (first week’s) final set Workout: “The Ghost” 6 rounds of: 1 minute of Rowing 1 minute of Burpees 1 minute of Double-Unders 1 minute rest Track total calories plus reps
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